
  • one-liners


    Pockets are very important. Low how careless the universe its – it dropped the sun again.

    I love sunsets

  • one-liners,  poems


    The sun clung to the tree
    and cast its shadows out.
    What a beautiful exorcism.

    On my ride home from work in the evenings, I would see this tree, this scene. It’s beautiful, isn’t it – this conjunction of tree and sunset.
  • one-liners,  poems


    If the sun exorcises the tree by
    casting out its shadows, then
    the rain’s way is to torch it in
    a cold misty blaze.

    The rain adds a certain dreaminess, a certain sadness. A wistfulness.
  • dark one-liners

    red ink

    she stabbed a pen through her eye and felt better, for at least that was a hole she could understand, punched in the frustrating sieve of her mind. and that red pen bled over reams of paper in pretty scarlet scrawls. one eye was all she could afford so she stabbed her thigh, to ensure the ink would never run dry.

  • one-liners

    circular logic

    teabags in hot water, washing machines, bicycles.
    a few cycles, and the flavour is gone, the load over, the destination reached.

    so live harder. before your cycle is over.