red ink
she stabbed a pen through her eye and felt better, for at least that was a hole she could understand, punched in the frustrating sieve of her mind. and that red pen bled over reams of paper in pretty scarlet scrawls. one eye was all she could afford so she stabbed her thigh, to ensure the ink would never run dry.
a vampire’s mind
i ram the sun back into the throat of dawn till it chokes and passes out. over, and over, and over again.
for some of us, when the day passes into night, we may never see another morning.
circular logic
teabags in hot water, washing machines, bicycles.
a few cycles, and the flavour is gone, the load over, the destination live harder. before your cycle is over.
monsters in my backpack
there’s a kind of desperation in the air, and it has moulded itself to my back, like a backpack of doom.
be a ‘hopeless’ romantic
they say romantics are hopeless, but it is the surfeit of arrogance that leads to the forfeit of dreams. without idealists, what are we?
hungry bird
so the bird pecked at the girl till she bled, and the pain distracted her from mortal troubles.
on not clicking with colleagues
being unable to talk crap must be considered one of the worst ways to die in civilised societies. add to that being unable to just talk.